Who is sayid Mohammed abdulle Hassan


Title: Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan: The Lion of Somalia's Resistance Movement


Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan, also known as the "Mad Mullah," was a prominent Somali religious and political leader who played a significant role in the resistance against colonial powers in the early 20th century. His charismatic leadership and military prowess made him a symbol of Somali nationalism and a key figure in the fight for independence. This article delves into the life and legacy of Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan, shedding light on his contributions to Somali history.

Early Life and Education:

Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan was born in 1856 in the northern region of Somalia, which was then under the control of the Sultanate of Zanzibar. He hailed from a prominent religious family and received a traditional Islamic education. His upbringing instilled in him a deep sense of religious devotion and a passion for justice, which would later shape his resistance movement.

The Dervish Movement:

In the late 19th century, Somalia was divided into several colonial territories, with the British, Italians, and Ethiopians vying for control. Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan emerged as a leader during this tumultuous period, founding the Dervish movement in 1899. The Dervishes were a religious and nationalist group that sought to unite Somalis against foreign occupation.

Resistance against Colonial Powers:

Under Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan's leadership, the Dervishes launched a fierce resistance against the British and Italian forces. The movement's military tactics, which combined guerrilla warfare with religious fervor, proved highly effective against the better-equipped colonial armies. The Dervishes successfully repelled numerous expeditions and inflicted heavy casualties on their adversaries.

The Battle of Dul Madoba:

One of the most significant battles fought by the Dervishes was the Battle of Dul Madoba in 1904. In this battle, the Dervishes, led by Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan, defeated a British expeditionary force, marking a major setback for the colonial powers. The victory at Dul Madoba boosted the morale of the Somali people and solidified Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan's reputation as a formidable leader.

Legacy and Impact:

Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan's resistance movement had a profound impact on Somali history. His efforts galvanized the Somali people, fostering a sense of national identity and unity. The Dervishes' struggle against colonial powers inspired generations of Somalis to fight for independence, even after Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan's death in 1920.

Historical Significance:

Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan's resistance movement was not only a struggle against colonialism but also a fight for the preservation of Somali culture and Islamic values. His vision of a united Somalia, free from foreign influence, resonated with many Somalis and continues to shape the country's political landscape today.


Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan's legacy as the "Mad Mullah" and leader of the Dervish movement remains an integral part of Somali history. His unwavering determination, military prowess, and commitment to Somali nationalism continue to inspire generations of Somalis. The resistance movement he led played a crucial role in shaping the country's struggle for independence and remains a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Somali people.

Title: Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan: The Lion of Somalia's Resistance Movement (Continued)

The Aftermath:

Following Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan's death in 1920, the Dervish movement gradually lost momentum. The colonial powers eventually gained control over Somalia, with the British occupying the northern regions and the Italians taking control of the south. However, the legacy of Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan and the Dervishes lived on, serving as a symbol of resistance and inspiring future generations of Somali nationalists.

Somali Nationalism and Independence:

Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan's resistance movement laid the foundation for Somali nationalism and the eventual quest for independence. The Dervishes' fight against colonial powers ignited a sense of pride and unity among Somalis, who continued to strive for self-determination. The struggle for independence culminated in 1960 when British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland merged to form the independent Republic of Somalia.

Cultural and Religious Influence:

Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan's leadership was deeply rooted in his religious beliefs. He sought to protect and promote Somali culture and Islamic values, which resonated with the Somali people. His teachings and principles continue to influence Somali society, particularly in matters of faith and cultural identity.

Historical Controversies:

While Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan is revered by many as a national hero, his legacy is not without controversy. Some critics argue that his strict interpretation of Islam and his resistance against Western influence hindered the country's progress and development. Others believe that his resistance movement exacerbated divisions among different Somali clans, leading to long-standing conflicts.

Remembering Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan:

Today, Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan is remembered as a symbol of Somali resistance and nationalism. His legacy is celebrated through various means, including the naming of streets, schools, and public spaces in his honor. His life and achievements continue to be studied and discussed by scholars, historians, and Somalis alike, ensuring that his contributions to Somali history are not forgotten.


Sayid Mohammed Abdulle Hassan's role as the leader of the Dervish movement and his fight against colonial powers have left an indelible mark on Somali history. His unwavering determination, military prowess, and commitment to Somali nationalism continue to inspire and shape the country's identity. While his legacy may be subject to debate, there is no denying the significant impact he had on the Somali people's struggle for independence and their ongoing quest for cultural preservation and self-determination.


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